‘You are Noah!’ says The Noah’s Ark Foundation to all of us, ‘be one of many who will stop the extinction of wildlife, everywhere’. ‘It Takes the World to Make a Miracle’ is one of their songs. And ‘I am Noah’ will be the chorus at benefit concerts. Everyone can join in, everyone already involved in saving endangered species can join in, anyone passionate about nature’s beauty or who is touched by its healing powers can join in, whoever listens to cleaning the air we breathe or stopping climate change can join in. Absolutely everyone everywhere should join in. We should all be Noah.
Being Noah means supporting space for wildlife, space that is safe from urban and agricultural sprawl, space that is free of poachers and deforestation, space as a sanctuary while the world’s natural habitats are threatened. That space can be rewilded farmland, woodlands or even nonarable land, whether at home or abroad, and much is being done in that cause.
Except, the rate of extinction is already so vast across the planet that it cannot possibly be checked alone by pockets of change here and there, not in time to make a real difference. Action is needed collectively, on a grander international level. Until then, until that happens, we need to make a start with endangered species, wherever they are, pan-globally, and keep them safe from extinction, right NOW.
The Noah’s Ark Foundation has that vision, to build a high security park (like Jurassic Park) with open spaces and domes (like the Eden Project in Cornwall, UK) for replicating major foreign climates.

The intent is to create spaces for species from across the world and keep them safe until, sometime in the future, they can be reintroduced to their own homelands. That vision is the Noah’s Ark conservation park, the brainchild of founders Richard and Hein Prinsloo-Curson.
More than a park, with wild animals and plants from across the world to see, there will also be research laboratories, the world’s first eDNA bank for endangered animals, museum displays, an international convention centre, entertainment areas and an entire hospitality area including hotels, restaurants, food courts and cafeterias as well as training, health and emergency facilities. The aim is to build an icon, one that can be admired by all conservationists and especially by wildlife enthusiasts. A thing of beauty and of true meaning for generations to come.

Even before construction starts, the park will be visible to millions of viewers – with a 27-episode TV series following the life drama of bringing it all about. The series will first be aired coast-to-coast in the USA and subsequently on channels in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. The series will reach a weekly audience of over 1 million in the USA and 1 million in the UK and internationally, with views of the ideal family holiday destination.

Noah’s Ark TV Series 1, aired on Sky TV in 2021, was the pilot for the full series. Books will also follow the park coming into being, commenced by You are Noah! Introduction already published. TV and radio interviews are also planned, as was the case on Kay Burley and Good Morning Britain with Series 1.

Music singles have also been released. More will follow, by popular stars – it’s yet to be announced who those will be. All of the songs will be on saving wildlife from extinction and on Noah’s Ark’s part in all of that. Celebrities will take part, as will well known conservationists, some of them having a book published on their role in this fascinating story.
This will be a lead up to a series of all-star benefit concerts, beginning possibly with the Wembley Stadium, London, UK, again featuring Noah’s Ark’s leading role in wildlife conservation. The aim is to beat the best of the best in benefit concerts, which – would you agree? – was Live Aid in 1985.
And, finally, as you are sure to be asking, where is the Noah’s Ark conservation park to be built, and when? Well, that is a burning question, soon to be answered. The guys at The Noah’s Ark Foundation are busy on that, with governments, funders, designers and management companies. For now, what we can say, is that it will be in Africa.
Meanwhile, when will music labels and books come out? Well, the guys are really busy there, with TV producers, record companies, distributors. The first book You are Noah! Introduction, which introduces the whole programme far better, is available now along with Noah’s Ark TV Series 1 free to watch. More music singles, TV episodes and books will come out through 2024

GB Publishing link:https://www.gbpublishing.co.uk/product-page/you-are-noah
GB Publishing Org https://www.gbpublishing.co.uk/charities
Noah’s Ark Foundation link https://noahsark.life/invest-in-noahs-ark-foundation/