With global warming threatening our planet with destruction of habitats, both marine and terrestrial, taking small steps to achieve an eco-friendly routine has become a fast-paced industry. Alongside this, our world is changing. We now have many more options available to us, from plastic-free toothpastes, bamboo straws and even T-shirts made of ocean waste!





We have new government guidelines and incentives to cut out fossil fuels, and the media promotes initiatives such as ‘Veganuary’ and ‘Meat Free Monday’. These new and innovative options provide a fun and exciting path for everyone wanting to make changes to follow a sustainable life, and, with more time and passion, a larger range of options will become readily available to everyone.

Of course, following a sustainable lifestyle comes with its challenges. Not only are some products hard to come by, but others are expensive and out of reach for the ordinary person. Of course, this leaves us filled with questions, doubts and worries. How easy is it really to lead a plastic-free life? How can I change my routine to be more sustainable? And, where can I find these eco-friendly products? Sometimes, we might even be riddled with the guilt of not doing enough, forcing us back to square one.


However, the solution can be simple. One easy way to make a change in your life is to replace some of the products you already own. Opting for an organically sourced product with less chemical supplements can be one way to combat this. It may also mean choosing packing options that are plastic-free, recyclable or biodegradable. This way, you are making minor changes that, in the long-term, will reduce the demand for plastic packaging and of course, cause less plastic pollution on earth, majorly in our oceans. This has many benefits for our environment; less oil is required for the production of these plastics, recycled plastics means less energy is used to produce the packaging and, more directly, fewer animals die eating plastics and microplastics within our environment. Surely, that is an incentive in itself?

The path to an eco-friendly life is, without doubt, a challenging one, but it comes with high rewards. Options are constantly evolving, providing the ordinary person with more possibilities for an eco-lifestyle. Once you keep at the challenge for a few weeks, new strategies and products become embedded in your new eco-routine.

To me, it is knowing that you’re doing your part for the planet which motivates me to continue living an eco-day as a normal day. Our world is becoming an easier place to follow a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. So, what’s your excuse?
